See what people are saying about Alabaster House.
“Kimberly, I truly appreciate that your ministry is for just such a time as this…to allow us to rest and refresh. You and your volunteers make it so very special for those of us who are [congressional] spouses. I cannot thank you enough for what you are offering.”
— Wife of U.S. Congressman
“How can I express how overwhelmed I was with the amazing kindness, generosity and love of Christ that you poured out on us so lavishly? I actually went into the ladies room and cried when I saw all that you had prepared just to minister to us. I felt unworthy of such incredible efforts.
Truly you were used of the Lord to touch my heart with His love. I honestly didn’t know how much I needed refreshing, and indeed, I did leave refreshed. I wrote in the journal that day – ‘Lord, help me receive all of this as from You, as a glimpse of all that You are preparing for me in heaven.
I know your work will be rewarded by the Lord and I pray that all you gave to us so freely will be returned in blessings to you.
You didn’t miss a thing, from the fire to the delicious food to uplifting music to precious prayer that filled my soul (while I sat snuggled with a pillow and blanket) to a wonderful gift bag.
Thank you from the bottom of my much fuller heart, dear sisters in Christ. I take the sweet memories of that time as a treasure with me, and a lighter step, knowing that your prayers are holding up our arms.
With gratitude and love…”
— Wife of U.S. Congressman
Capitol Ladies Retreat